My Healing Journey

My Healing Journey

I began to see in the spiritual realms at a young age and have been sensitive to others’ emotions and to non human energies around me. It wasn’t until my teens that I decided to pay more attention to what I was experiencing, but I did not see this as a gift. The experiences I had were not positive and the support and direction I had was scarce. I want to be that guidance for those that feel they have none. I have been able to use the spiritual insight, knowledge, and awareness I have been blessed with to provide my clients with an accurate reflection of their unique situation. My method is guided by a series of soulful questions, energetic healing practices, and emotional healing techniques as I intently listen to the Creator. 

It’s taken many years to develop, but my intuition serves as a way to identify patterns and shifts as I assist clients in mapping out their road to recovery and healing. I observe the presence of the mind, body, and spirit connections, which are heavily interwoven, and use my insight to identify spiritual blockages within the client’s energetic field. As I encourage the unity of the body, mind, and spirit, I help clients to trust their intuition, to let go of what no longer serves them, and to stay open to higher guidance, divine appointments, and unexpected breakthroughs and signs.  

My desire is to help people in their healing process and to guide them in the discovery of their inner identity so maybe it doesn’t have to take years, like it did myself, to live freely and confidently with the gifts you have been given. We all have amazing gifts and potential to unlock! I have an unwavering commitment to providing my clients with holistic healing services, in which I use my skill set and expertise to ensure a safe, non-judgmental environment. I also focus on helping clients align with their highest truth and live a life of authentic freedom, joy, and connection to spirit. My heart is to see people walk in their true identity and to encourage them to open their hearts to the abundance that awaits.